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Solr Query Injection


Cloudflare-wide IP spoofing with Cloudflare Workers


Drupal core file metadata disclosure (DRUPAL-SA-CORE-2020-011)

The Drupal core File module allowed an attacker to gain access to the file metadata of a permanent private file that they do not have access to.

Drupal core PHP code injection (DRUPAL-SA-CORE-2018-006)

The Drupal core Contextual Links module didn’t sufficiently validate the requested contextual links. This allowed a render array to be injected, enabling an attacker to execute arbitrary PHP code.

Tripal BLAST UI shell code injection (DRUPAL-SA-CONTRIB-2016-054)

The Tripal Blast UI module didn’t sufficiently validate advanced options available to users submitting BLAST jobs, thereby exposing the ability to enter a short snippet of shell code that would execute when the BLAST job was run.